Inventory of all articles of TaipeiEcon
Inventory of all articles of TaipeiEcon
By Huang Nuan-yun/TIER
The Executive Yuan announced that the first year of social enterprises has now begun in 2014. It also issued the “action plan for social enterprises” to reach its three main goals by “providing a business-friendly environment for the social enterprises”, “strengthening the business property for social enterprises”, and “constructing a network and platform for social enterprises”. They hope that it is possible to achieve such a vision for this project by “creating an ecological environment suitable for a social enterprise to be creative, to run its startup, to grow, and to develop”. Meanwhile, the government agency in charge of this project will also help the social enterprises to look for a public space, and provide reasonable rental land for the social enterprise start-ups to use the resources. The government wished to make use of its power and combine the private force to promote social enterprise business to grow and prosper.