
Mobile Payment is in power: It motivates the new revolution in economics - 臺北產經資訊網

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Mobile Payment is in power: It motivates the new revolution in economics

By Yang,Yu-chi/ndustrial Technology Research Institute
As the global financial environment opens to the public, it helps to stimulate market demands and changes the models of consumer behavior. These are all the key factors that motivate the growth in the global mobile payment market. Taiwan is now officially entering into the first year of mobile payments. One should not neglect the critical issues of mobile payment implementation and service models. The competitive profile in the mobile payment market continues to progress since the hardware and software technologies have advanced to the next level, plus its innovations for the service model. This article discussed these aspects from the regional market potential of global mobile payments to the service models, industrial dynamics as well as social impact. It provides guidelines as a reference for the mobile payment vendors in Taiwan to consider it.

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